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Beef for sale.
We have several steers that are ready to go to the market. If your interested in freezer beef we can fix you up. For a half a beef or a full beef we charge .89 cents per pound live weight. Once paid we will deliver the steer to dewig meats for you where they will process the beef the way you like. Their base price is .45 cents per lb. Live weight. Our steers weigh between 900 lbs and 1300 lbs.

How it works.
You order a half or full beef.

We will deliver it to dewigs where it will be weighed on their scale.

Once we have the weight we will call you with our price. ( live weight x .89 cents lb.)

You pay us.

You will the get with dewig meats and let them know how you want your beef cut up and in a couple weeks they will call and let you know its ready and you pay them when you pick it up.

You can message or call anytime. We are located between Haubstadt and Elberfeld off of I69.

Kevin Cox 

Kat Cox


or email us at


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